OIKOS S.r.l. provides project management services by managing the activities of back office and front office business, aimed at the analysis, design, planning and realization of the objectives of a project, managing it in all its characteristics and development stages, in compliance with precise constraints (time, costs, resources, goals, quality).
Contact us for more informations
The main references of the founding members concern activities carried out in the pharma petrochemical – oil & gas, Renewable Energies and Vertical Wind Tunnels for human flight sectors.
Multidisciplinary engineering company operating in the fields of Mechanical, Alternative/Renewable energy, Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical.
Contact us
Administrative headquarters
Via Veneto, 116 – 74121 Taranto
Operational Headquarters
Via Verga, 4 – 44124 Ferrara
Via Lucania, 90 – 74121 Taranto